They are at it again ... I should be shocked but I'm not. Matt is back to smoking ... he's apparently so hooked on his 'one or two' a day habit he finds it impossible to quit. This is, in fact, so typically Matt. Full of intentions yet expecting them to just resolve themselves which he knows they will because he's an expert on such things. He is also using poppers still, he bought some in London at the weekend. He's been smoking and using reccie drugs in front of Daisy, setting a great example ... I think not.
Daisy, for her part, has been lying to me and stealing from Matt. In this case it is the mentioned before poppers from his room. It's just so very difficult to ground her any more than I have but I still have some avenues left open to me.
Matt in particular has so much going for him yet seems intent on hitting the self destruct button. He doesn't like it any more than I do but then, he'd have to actually change his attitude to stop being an idiot and as he knows everything that matters, he cannot get his head around the possibility he may be wrong about something.
Robin got the keys for the bungalow earlier and is happy as Larry albeit that he doesn't know that just yet! At least he has the carpets sorted and it's just a matter of getting some paperwork sorted then the hard work of actually packing and moving which, if he makes his case well enough, he can get help with paying for.
On a plus side ... and stuff could still go tits up on this ... I received this from the Health Commissioning Team:
Also I would like to inform you that funding has been agreed for Jermaine to move to The Coach House in Corby subject to training needs being met and adequate plans being put in place to meet his health care needs.
The next stage is to confirm with Matthew the provision of training and meet to discuss a transition for Jermaine.
Yours Sincerely
Annoyingly, I am so cynical and tired much of the time that I cannot cheer about that as much as I would like to. Things have been on the brink of happening before then all fallen through. If only the defence system of my immune system was as strong as that for my emotions!