Today was another one of those ‘network’ meetings that we have for Jermaine with everyone that matters there so that we can achieve great things.
Sadly, the objective of this meeting that of making sure that respite was sorted for this year was not achieved because it takes some people several weeks to do what it takes me a short phone call and a fax to do. So, rather than us having moved on from last time, we are effectively, moving backward!
With that grind of a meeting behind me I was quite pleased to get a call which I hoped was to confirm that I was going off to Gran Canaria next month with loads of friends, my little break to myself this year. Unfortunately, it was nothing of the sort. It turned out to be the friend that asked me along had now changed his mind and now didn’t want me there so my little bit of salvation that I had allowed myself to get excited about, was just pulled from under me but yes, of course I understand, I understand fully how me saying how I hearing that really made me feel would have made them feel awkward and we can’t have emotion getting in the way of decisions after all.
The way I felt was when I was told this news was somewhere between deeply hurt and very angry. Hurt because I really need a break and they would have known that so it showed a total disregard for my feelings and, angry because, if they were not sure, why ask me? I was the worst possible person to have his emotions played about with like that. Oh, I guess I should not place all my friends so highly as to assume they would all avoid hurting me or know me well enough to know that this sort of thing really knocks me down.
Sadly, the objective of this meeting that of making sure that respite was sorted for this year was not achieved because it takes some people several weeks to do what it takes me a short phone call and a fax to do. So, rather than us having moved on from last time, we are effectively, moving backward!
With that grind of a meeting behind me I was quite pleased to get a call which I hoped was to confirm that I was going off to Gran Canaria next month with loads of friends, my little break to myself this year. Unfortunately, it was nothing of the sort. It turned out to be the friend that asked me along had now changed his mind and now didn’t want me there so my little bit of salvation that I had allowed myself to get excited about, was just pulled from under me but yes, of course I understand, I understand fully how me saying how I hearing that really made me feel would have made them feel awkward and we can’t have emotion getting in the way of decisions after all.
The way I felt was when I was told this news was somewhere between deeply hurt and very angry. Hurt because I really need a break and they would have known that so it showed a total disregard for my feelings and, angry because, if they were not sure, why ask me? I was the worst possible person to have his emotions played about with like that. Oh, I guess I should not place all my friends so highly as to assume they would all avoid hurting me or know me well enough to know that this sort of thing really knocks me down.