This will only mean something to anyone that knows Tony as I do but I hope others will feel the same way as well.
Fancy a coffee, my treat?
Yes, I fancy a coffee
For the life that you led me to, I fancy a coffee
For the confidence you found in me, I fancy a coffee
For the fun times doing things I would never have done, I fancy a coffee
For your tenderness, I fancy a coffee
For your love, I fancy a coffee
For you, I fancy a coffee, my treat.
'Fancy a coffee' is one of those phrases Tony has when he actually wants something else like a rest or a ciggie, sometimes even a coffee!
Fancy a coffee, my treat?
Yes, I fancy a coffee
For the life that you led me to, I fancy a coffee
For the confidence you found in me, I fancy a coffee
For the fun times doing things I would never have done, I fancy a coffee
For your tenderness, I fancy a coffee
For your love, I fancy a coffee
For you, I fancy a coffee, my treat.
'Fancy a coffee' is one of those phrases Tony has when he actually wants something else like a rest or a ciggie, sometimes even a coffee!