Well, I am still here so not all is lost. Spent some time with a school friend yesterday as I mentioned in a previous mailing. It was good to see him and to see that he looks quite good as it happens. He’s been through some trauma in his life, true, much self inflicted but with a determined attitude he’s stuck by his guns and come through it the other side, good to have my mate back I think. No one seems to have bought the Sebring for me so I guess I’ll just have to rely on the lottery after all … should I win, by the way, I intend to move a very long way away indeed from certain horrible people most definitely, enough of them already. The money would also enable me to spend quality time with my true friends and family in a stress free environment, I need one of those right now. My bed has been moved into the room which was the office and now the two rooms are together … once the council have done their thing I can move things around again after decorating and this will be mainly a ...
Respect is free to give. Trust should be offered, Acceptance without prejudice always