Depression is something so many people do not comprehend. Truth be known, many who suffer from it don't understand it either. Every Invisible illnesses such as depression is hard to appreciate for anyone who has not suffered. It is too easy to dismiss them as trivial or laziness because, people identify with what they see, not what they don't Possibly we are programmed to automatically reject such things as weakness in a society still comparatively young in an evolutionary sense. Many suffering with mental health conditions will certainly tell you that they feel very weak whilst suffering as though they are letting the side down. Rarely does someone fully embrace a family member, colleague or friend and treat them how they need to be treated. Sadly, 'pull yourself together' is still a thing. Trust me, if pulling themselves together was a thing they would do it instantly. Why would anyone want to feel they are worthless, that their life is devoid of meaning? Everyone who...
Respect is free to give. Trust should be offered, Acceptance without prejudice always