4 Hours out of my life and what a waste of time. OK, not entirely a waste of time but any gains were coincidental. I was invited to go along to a meeting at 3pm, the meeting started at 3:50! The section 2 expires for Zoey at midnight on Tuesday so you’d think the professionals would be in a mad panic to work out what is happening next but, no, not one of them came to the meeting today with any clue what is going to happen next week. How is this for logic: They cannot lawfully keep her there as of midnight Tuesday, that’s not possible because there is no section 2. They cannot issue a section 3 without having a game plan on what services to provide, they know this. The services she needs cannot be provided to an adequate level where she is, they know that too. They want her in a LD unit in Kettering except, that is unsuitable because it is all male at the moment and all have challenging behaviour incompatible with Zoey’s best care. Even so, the LD Psychiatrist today said that a bed ...
Respect is free to give. Trust should be offered, Acceptance without prejudice always