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Showing posts from April, 2015


One other issue we have with the online community is that of powerful gossip. The assumption being, no one on Facebook is actually real so, anything I say about them won’t really cause any harm. Not to forget, I read it on Facebook so it has to be true, no smoke without fire. Yes, we’re talking here about that sort of person whose on life is so destroyed, so fake, so uneventful that they will sacrifice anyone to appear popular and I do mean ‘anyone’ including their own friends and family. If there is a juicy bit of gossip to share which ‘bigs them up’ then they will share it even when they know it isn’t true. Often this isn’t malicious, they mean no harm, they just feel that because this person isn’t that persons friend on Facebook that they’ll never know so it doesn’t matter. Many have totally forgotten there is a real world out there where people might actually talk to each other and  ,,, You see, it doesn’t matter how good we are, how hard we try to be the right sort of pe...

Social Destruction

Has Facebook destroyed the current generations ability to form lasting social contacts? It is often heralded as the social networking tool of this age but, is it really? I see profiles with over 1000 ‘friends’ and, for all practical purposes, it’s nigh on impossible to follow even a fraction of those and their postings if any. The timeline must be moving so fast anything which could actually benefit the reader has long gone unless they sit staring at the screen hour after hour. Indeed, perhaps not even just Facebook, let’s move to To show but a few and good old ‘texting’. There are now very real arguments caused by users poor ability to adequately communicate the emotions of their text leading to terrible misunderstandings. In an age where so many of us have so many free minutes on our mobile phones where we could actually talk to someone, we still choose to text. Indeed, why have a 30 second phone call when 20+ texts over 10 minutes will screw the whole process up? It mak...

Age of Ultron

A very good movie, not that this is much of a shock! I am somewhat confused as to the tie in with the TV series, normally there is a greater connection that was shown which was a shame because it seems to have left Agents of Shield vulnerable to being cancelled. IMDB Link to Film Good to see some new developments, new faces (and old).

Things wot make me smile

My new Penguin’s Me n Matt messing about on GTAV … He’s standing on my Hydra in mid hover above the airport Saturday 13th June

I did this …

and this .. Hmm … and this I’m a little crazy me … but I like it

2015 Election … if you vote for …

If you vote for … You get this … If you vote for this .. You this …   AND This …. you’re on your own guys, good luck with that If you vote for this … you get this … If you vote for this … you get this If you vote for this you get (But somebody still will) If you vote for … You get … In the 2015 elections, let’s keep it simple!

Good times

Seems so long ago now. I really want to go back and to Florida and, erm, Gran Canaria and, erm … somewhere I’ve not been and California. Quite fancy Canada, why do I fancy going to Canada?

Stargate SG-1 … 200

I’d forgotten just how amusing the show was. Sure, I know it was good but I’d forgotten just how much it made me laugh and, for a while there, I was a little sad because, they knew at the time the show was near the end of the 10 year run, a huge milestone for any show let alone science fiction. Who could not laugh at the Star Trek parody The Wizard of Oz and, of course, the puppets! With just a dozen or so shows left until the series ended I am pleased to have watched the 9+ seasons over again from the start. It’s great we have all these super hero movies out these days and, wow, Star Wars but …. where are the science fiction TV series?

‘L’ of a driver

That scary moment watching outside the window when an obviously really inexperienced learner is using my car to practise parallel parking uphill as they keep rolling forward when they think they’re going backward. The temptation to go move my car is quite strong. They eventually got to the curb two car lengths back from my car, stopped then started talking to the instructor whilst rolling forward! Moment over, the instructor has decided the learner might not yet be ready for it! Phew!


5 minutes to sit and do not a lot. I probably should take the time to eat but, it’s really too close to dinner to do lunch. Been busy here and there all day today, still have a list of things to do, people to call back! Thought I’d do my daily check of the Facebook but, it isn’t working so, saved from that then!

In work Benefits

During this election campaign there is a lot of talk of hard working people and families. There is a lot of talk too of childcare and in work ‘help’ toward the cost of childcare. Look, I did my fair share of parenting, I got Child Benefit and got some benefits for the entire family. It wasn’t really a choice and I had my children when I was working so, I feel I made a choice I could afford them. It was circumstances which changed, not my fault and therein is a complication. Should people have children with the intent on fully funding them or, should they have them and, what the hell, the state will pay if they can’t? I am concerned that just about every party is encouraging childbirth at the cost of responsibility. It is as though they are saying having children is a right, everyone is entitled to have children and the state will pick up at least part of the tab for that. But, is this the right message to send? How far really is it from what the Conservatives, back in the 80’s desc...

Election Plan

Listening to Cameron & Miliband going on and on about the SNP I am starting to conjure up a workable plan should Labour not get a majority and, on the off chance, the Conservatives don’t either. I think, if they get enough seats Labour should call for an immediate repeat of the election making it clear that if voters wish to vote SNP that they seriously risk eventually creating enough seats to allow the Conservatives to form a government. In short, vote with Labour to remove the Conservatives and not a nationalist party that no other party will work with.

That phone!

All day today I've been stopped from everything I've tried to do by my phone. Nothing very important and I don't mind but at the same time... I might turn it off soon and tomorrow just so I can chill. :-D Sent from Samsung Mobile

Looks lovely out there

But it’s also rather cold! Went out earlier for a BBQ with the extendeds and it was too cold for my shirt so I had to wear a jacket and there was me thinking spring had sprung and we’re on the way to summer! (brrr) Managed to sold the PA for Zoey issue thanks very much to someone who should have taken the job a few years back  ;-) Getting an increasing amount of spam messages for this blog, sort of annoying that. Have been using Facebook a bit more recently, been reminded why I stopped using it. Most certainly having a holiday this year … when and how, not sure about that but I am having one!

My meal at TGIF

That was the desert, a lovely sticky toffee pudding with Jack Daniels and pecan sauce. My appetiser was prawns with JD sauce and my main was 8oz NY strip steak (rare) with fries, veg & JD sauce … can you sense a theme here? Was all rather yummy, I am most definitely stuffed

Treating myself

One thing about being single is not going out and having a treat. No anniversary to celebrate, no romantic times just me. So, I figure if I can travel the world alone then I can go grab a meal on my own. I've been wanting to go back to TGI Friday for ages so that's where I am. Looking forward to some good grub even if the service is a little inattentive. Would love to see then cope with a John Taffer stress test!

Conservatives Avoiding Questions

<iframe width="400" height="500" frameborder="0" src=""></iframe> The above might not work as I've not tried it before Listening to Theresa May earlier stumbling over one soundbite after another in an effort to avoid answering any direct questions. As is a recurring question at the moment she was asked about the £8bn promised by them for the NHS and where they're going to find the money ... the closest she got to an answer seemed to be that this sort of money just sort of turns up under a Conservative government so they shall use that. She said that this is how they've managed to find such amounts before, they've just done such a wonderful job of managing the economy that the billions just magic themselves into existing. Asked if they were sure this would be the case she stumbled again, she wasn't going to comment on what or would not happen as far ahead as 2020, no on...

When the clouds are in the sky …

It is said that each and every cloud has a silver lining and, I’m really being honest here when I say that, well, it’s not true, sometimes the sky is so dark, so full of clouds we wonder if the sun will ever shine again. It’s always worth remembering that behind even the darkest of clouds the sun still shines bright and, sometimes, every now and then, through all those clouds it pokes through to remind us that the light is always there, it will always come back. Remember that and, you have to take my word for this perhaps but, it keeps me going knowing that and when I see that sun, oh boy.

Oh, by the way

Went over to see Jermaine earlier. He wasn’t in such a good mood today, told me to ‘Get out’, well, shouted at me actually. I ignored him and after half an hour managed to get a hug. I love him to bits but, at the same time, and I know this comes across as selfish, it’s really distressing seeing him like this and there is totally nothing I can do about it. I can’t communicate in any meaningful way and neither can he. As a parent, and knowing it’s not true, I still feel like I am letting him down … the joys of parenting, knowing one thing and feeling another.

I might just take 2015 Off

You know, just not make any life changing decisions, don’t even date anyone, don’t even talk to someone with a view to dating them. It would seem that I keep making the same sort of mistakes with people. You know, I trust them, I open up, lay myself vulnerable and then get stabbed in the back. Certainly I need to stop being so stupid as to think I could have a long distance relationship! Hell, I’ve been lied to and cheated on by those in my own town, I must increase the chances of that happening many times over by adding distance into the equation! What has sparked this? Well, you’ll recall I got quite attached to a guy called Randy. He’s been quite lovely, saying all the right things, giving the real impression that he had hopes for something special between us, even just a couple of days ago he said this face to face across Skype and yet … I got a message from someone else in the UK telling me they’ve declared unending love for each other and they are going to live happily ever a...

A Day of ‘Not a Lot’

Still waiting for this cough and chest infection to clear and now I have what feels like a cold on top of it, could just be the first bug coming to the surface but I feel really crap. One of those days when staying in bed might have been a better idea seeing as there was nothing particular I was committed to. Looks like another OK day so it’s a shame to waste it stuck indoors but, at the same time, my energy levels are really low so going out not such a good idea. Time to give in for a bit and just let this ‘ere body sort itself out.

Busy day

Out for breakfast with Robin …   Then over to Billing Aquadrome with Daisy, Josh & Danny.   Yes, that’s me doing the classic selfie Ah yes, more from the selfie album     We stopped by the garden centre for lunch. The food was OK, the wait was way too long


Tying up the loose ends of 2014. I delved deep into Facebook earlier and believe I have got rid of any significant trace of Joseph, I hadn’t even realised we were still linked in any way but we’re not now so, that’s good. Another little bug from that era was the DWP and the way they handled my vacation like I was a damned criminal! Today I got confirmation that my claim against them has been totally upheld with huge evidence of maladministration on their part, way beyond simple human error. They now acknowledge that I did nothing wrong and they had no right to take the action they did. The amount they fined me has been returned and a written apology is in the post, the least they can do. Other parts of my life are coming together too though many rely on pure faith to follow through all the way as I’d like. Yes, that’s deliberately cryptic as it’s not good to tell the devil your business. I’m having some lovely dreams these days, makes a change for me does that. Chest infection is s...

Lovely Day for it

Yep, today is a good day I think. Last night, albeit with a little stress, we got through GTA Heist number 4 OK. This may not sound like much, you know, what with it being just a game and all that but, at the same time it is quality time with family and I think we all learn a little about each other from it and, yes, even perhaps grow a little as people because we all have rather strong personalities and we’ve got to learn to get along and get things done so, yes, it’s great fun blowing seven kinds of poo out of the bad guys, it’s also lovely to spend fun times with good people. Now, today, bright and sunny and, warm! OK, we’re not talking about sunbathing weather here, oh Lord no, but 17°C is perfectly acceptable at any time of year and certainly for April with the promise of more to come. I visited Robin, had a phone chat with my Dad and with my sister and highlight of day, had a long Skype with Randy. It’s almost frustrating, annoying, lovely and … I don’t know, several other thi...

Dallington Grange

Well, it looks as though the plans are in again for the new housing development at the end of our road. Where we live is going to get a whole lot busier as it becomes one of three access points for the new estate which is to incorporate two new schools, various shops, community centre and pub. None of this particularly bothers me, people have to live somewhere after all. If I have a concern it is as petty as petty get … how will the cats survive? They barely make it across the road outside to the allotments as it is with minimal traffic, no doubt they’ll be in big trouble as we start to get construction and later increased residents traffic. On the plus side, doing my NIMBY bit, we won’t be getting dog walkers cars parked in our parking spaces as they’ll have nowhere to take their dogs! Practically speaking, it might be worth Sean & Daisy holding fire on moving out any time soon as this promises to offer a lot of quality housing in the right area for them if they’re prepared to ha...