Hmm, seems not so long ago it was lovely, hot and sunny outside and yet, here we are, just 3 sleeps short of December 25th and on the longest night of the year too.
Am a little concerned we’ve not got enough for everyone this Christmas. I am reasonably certain we’ve spent the right amount, not so certain that it looks like we have. Why do I feel we have tucked something away somewhere and can’t find it? Amazing, just as I typed that we found one! I feel a little better now but still somewhat ‘tight’ on the gift front, I hope everyone understands.
Christmas day I am sure shall be fun no matter how mad it is no doubt going to seem. Poor Anne is going to be knackered all that moving about from one place to another with junior Williams but I am sure, like the rest of us did, she’ll manage somehow!
Tomorrow is suddenly a lot less busy that originally planned, I may even get to have a lay in bed! Wednesday could be very busy and I am sure it shall be. Thursday too, busy and then, there is Christmas day, mega busy followed by a very busy Boxing day and then, Sunday, will just be normally busy and then we have Monday … flipping heck, maybe I should have gone to bed at a sensible time!