Daisy started to have contractions on Thursday morning but they were not strong enough to get her 'established' until Saturday. We actually got caught short in Tesco and had to dash home because she couldn't walk any more!
There were two midwives here, at home, during the birth along with myself and Sean the whole time with James around most of the time as well. Deej wandered in and out, made teas and generally worried for England along with Zoey.
Daisy was amazing. No screaming, no time wasting. She used each one of those contractions for all it had.
Joshua was born healthy with no damage done to Daisy.
James has been here loads and has turned out to be one amazing dad. Sean too has stepped up to the mark and taking his role seriously. Daisy, of course, has taken to motherhood like a duck to water. I am very proud of all three of them.
Of course, all is not perfect, some people, and they know who they are, have made virtually zero effort and yet expect to be treated as royalty ... At first I thought I could make allowances and volunteer some support but, I have to accept that I have limitations and I just don't need to take any responsibility for those people. They made their bed ... and all that!