What is luck? Of late it is tempting for me to believe I have been really rather unlucky. I have a mountain of debt, my health is awful. I can't work, most days I barely function, these things are all true. If I wanted to I have enough things I could highlight to demonstrate that the world hates me but ... does it? My mum would argue that she had arthritis because she had the strength to cope with it and if her having it meant other less strong people didn't have to, then it was OK. That's a way of thinking about it for sure. Some would claim that eventually Karma will recognise all the good I have done and luck will head my way because life has to balance out the good and the bad ... yeah, that's another viewpoint! Again, some might say that "we make our own luck". A valid point to be sure but, hmmm, not quite sure that's how it works either. My thought is that I am what I am. What I am makes me who I am and what I do with that is up to me. "I love y...
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