It may seem like I go on about M.E. quite a lot. Probably I do. You see, if I had a broken leg, it would be obvious. Many might understand how debilitating a migraine is, some might also 'get' mental health issues ... though, that's pushing it. M.E. is invisible (mostly). It makes the person who has it look like a lazy good for nothing who is just looking for excuses not to do things, to avoid work. I hear people tell me that 'we all get tired'. This is true but, with M.E., you don't get tired, we 'are' tired, all of the time. Not just a little sleepy, but that sort of tired that happens at bedtime or, after a huge meal. That sort of tired like jet leg where the brain simply doesn't function or, when it is, it's like we are not fully in control and mistakes happen. Forgetting things, misplacing bits and bobs. Sometimes I just randomly sleep, no idea I am even doing it. Every day has to be planned, paced. I can keep going if I know what I am doin...