So, last few days I've been killing myself blitzing the house of bugs, yeah, I know, it isn't happening but go with me on this one! I've been in all the dark places, I have had webs caress my face, I have seen scuttling across the floor. I've not even wanted to see what came off me in the shower. All this I did to know I am the man, I am the man in charge of his own house, the boss, the kingpin ... no unwanted visitors here. The wasps are OK, they die anyway. Did I mention the steamer? I had that baby squirting in all the dark corners blasting away at anything that moved or, anything which could potentially move, let's not discriminate here. Hey, what do you get if you cross a spider with a squirrel? A spider that'll run up your leg and eat your nuts (ouch) The wasps are still dying by the way The vacuum cleaner at one point must have been like a spider reunion in there, all shapes and sizes, they must have had an absolute blast. Probably met spiders that's ...
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