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Showing posts from December, 2017

Time Travel

              Let us just presume that, for a moment, Time Travel is a thing .... not for everyone, just for us, we have the DeLorean, it's just us doing it. You can go forward or backward, no limitations and as often as you like. The first question would be, and really think about this, would you? You know, you might want to go back time, see a famous event, catch your favourite band before they split up, watch your parents get married or possibly just drop in on yourself years into the future and see how it all turns out ... really, would you? What if you had no choice, you've got to make 3 visits to the past, you're past, you can only travel within your own lifetime. I know a lot of people instantly think about this, they go back, stop themselves doing something really bad, prevent themselves getting involved with the wrong people, perhaps warning a tragically lost loved one and prevent their death. So many things happen to us in life we wish we cou...