This year is going to see a lot of changes going on. Many may not like those changes because what they will be is selfish. 'I' plan on living for me and that means devoting my time and energy to me and my soon to be 'husband', Dennis. Essentially that will mean a hell of a lot less time for others. Entire relationships as they are now will change as circumstances change. Hopefully, we'll quickly become self sufficient financially and that will mean not having to rely on an handouts from others, not the state or family. No will will have the power to use their contribution to our existence against us again. No well meaning souls will be able to make that call to the benefit fraud team or safeguarding because, we won't be involved with those people. Our lives and our home will be under our own rules and standards. No body will have the right to behave superior or disrespectful again, it's not going to happen. Of course, this relies on our mega expensive next ...
Respect is free to give. Trust should be offered, Acceptance without prejudice always