Tomorrow I have my first proper meeting regarding my web design skills. I am looking forward to it but, at the same time, feel almost as though it is a dream or an act in a play. You see, I am Mr Average, could do better. This is what all my school reports said and I had no reason to dispute them. I have gone through life believing I could be more without ever achieving. Here I am now, having directors of a charity coming to me for a meeting, it feels sort of weird and, somehow, totally right as well, like where I feel I should be now anyway. I am hoping they will agree my proposals and I can move the site forward and provide them with something which will boost their finances. It doesn’t make me anything but, boy, does it look good on a CV if any future employer can see past 50+! In my life I feel like I am achieving something … no, this is not fair, I feel like I am a very proud witness to others achieving something. Parentally, it is important to see the children grow and prosper, m...
Respect is free to give. Trust should be offered, Acceptance without prejudice always