Funny thing about injuries in muscles ... unlike cuts and breaks, muscles can apparently just keep getting worse. My shoulder is almost unbearable at times now. My Physio bloke reckons I'll make a complete recovery but, well, it just keeps getting worse. The session today was really very painful indeed. I tolerated it because last week was also painful yet, when completed, I felt better. He did ask me today if my arm was hurting at all, my 'left' arm. A lot of the pain I am getting is in my upper chest. No, my arm doesn't generally hurt ... except when I am typing, holding just about anything, you know, nothing much :-( Daisy, I don't think, enjoyed her birthday very much. There have been some stresses lately. I have done my best to mediate and sort things out but, basically, there is not a lot I can do right now. My mind just wandered, I was thinking, the guy who invented underpants, was his surname Dickenham? Hi Danny, yes, shame about that puddle in the way else...
Respect is free to give. Trust should be offered, Acceptance without prejudice always